The Western NSW Primary Health Network (WNSWPHN) is giving early childhood services in their region the opportunity to express their interest to access the Positive Living Skills Early Childhood Wellbeing program with FULL FUNDING support.
Positive Living Skills provides early childhood educators and services with an EYLF Teaching platform that supports educator capacity, teaches children essential wellbeing skills and strengthens family partnerships.
Join the growing number of Western NSW communities saying yes to Positive Living Skills and supporting the mental wellbeing and resilience of educators, children and families.
We love supporting educators:
Flexible resource pool of activities, stories, songs, relaxation audios and more
Evidence based program mapped to principles, practices and learning outcomes of the EYLF V2.0
Pre-populated editable learning stories to help engage families
Equipping educators with common sense common language mental health education resources
Professional Development included focused on educator wellbeing confidence capacity and communication skills
The evidence based PLS program is specifically designed to support educators to engage children based on the principles practices and
learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0
The Positive Living Skills Early Childhood Wellbeing Program has been independently reviewed and is listed in the Be You Programs Directory. It meets the minimum evidence requirements set by Be You and has been awarded a rating for evidence and implementation.
What is an eligible service?
The following services within the Western NSW Primary Health Network region are eligible:

Long Day Care Centre
(that could also offer a Preschool service)
Family Day Care Service*
(one Expression of Interest per educator/location)
* All Family Day Care educators are encouraged to apply. When expressing your interest, you are required to provide your name, your address, and the name of the FDC organisation or body you are registered with.
For example, Jane is a registered Family Day Care educator who delivers her service in her home under the umbrella of her local Council or FDC Organisation. When Jane submits her Expression of Interest to access the PLS program she will provide her name, her registered educator/provider address, and the name of the council/organisation that her service is part of.

An evidence-based, comprehensive, common language mental health and wellbeing approach
Prime7 News recently featured how Positive Living Skills is supporting the region in their nightly news bulletin

"PLS supports the mental wellbeing and the workload of educators. The program is delivered to children and their families via the local early learning centres and primary schools. Because all resources are fully scripted and mapped to curriculums, educators can meet their teaching requirements while feeling confident that they are supporting their communities to build skills for long term mental wellbeing."

Possa Bill

Possa Bill is our program mascot, who stands for growth mindset, kindness, confidence, peer support and more.
Educators engage and connect with children using the Possa Bill puppet throughout group or playtime or learning experience activities. Possa Bill role play options make it easy for educators to personalise or extend the learning experiences and embed the positive concepts.

PLS Concepts:
What's included:
✓ 48 digital EYLF learning experiences designed for preschool aged children
✓ Library of audio and flip books
✓ Relaxation audios, songs and posters
✓ Possa Bill animation stories
✓ Pre-filled editable Learning Story templates
✓ Searchable comprehensive resource library
✓ Tips for transitions and school readiness
✓ Bonus activities for 0-3 years for all concepts
✓ Shareable family newsletters for the 6 concepts
✓ Free mental wellbeing resources to share with families via the 'PLS Family Link Online Hub'
✓ 3 x Online 'on-demand' educator PD sessions on Focus, Leadership and Self-Care
✓ Each session provides 90 mins of Professional Learning, and includes online workbooks
✓ User-friendly and secure online platform
✓ Self-paced straight forward onboarding process
for educators

© 2023 PLS Learning Solutions Australasia Pty Ltd.