Recently we shared an email with the PLS community to let everyone know how important educators are and that we want and need them (YOU) to be healthy and well to enjoy their (your) roles.
Which is why we have included 3 x 90 minute Professional Development sessions for all members of services who hold a current licence to implement the PLS Early Childhood Wellbeing program.
And one of the key sessions included is called:
"Self-Care and Stress Management: Tools to help implement a self-care plan"
This session allows you to complete 90 minutes of PD that can be acknowledged by Positive Living Skills, and it is designed to help you understand how you 'do' stress and how you can help yourself to implement practical and personalised strategies to support your social and emotional wellbeing.
If you have not had the opportunity to delve into these incredible PD sessions, we encourage you to do so.
We would love to hear how PLS has helped you or the educators you work with manage stress in the learning environment.